
domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Free 3D printers project RepRap

Clone Wars - RepRap
Clone Wars es un grupo dentro de la comunidad RepRap, que trata de documentar en español todo lo necesario para que puedas construir tu propia impresora 3D. Además recopilamos información como ubicación de comercios locales, miembros del grupo que tienen una impresora cerca de tí..., datos en general que te pueden ayudar con tu proyecto. 
Cualquiera puede entrar a formar parte de esta comunidad.
 Fuente :

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

PBS and CK12 ... You should not miss these sites

PBS Learning Media

Inspire Your Students and Transform Learning

PBS LearningMedia is THE destination for high-quality, trusted digital content and solutions that inspire students and transform learning. Developed in partnership with the WGBH Educational Foundation and supported by public media stations nationwide, PBS LearningMedia engages educators and learners at all levels with content from America’s #1 Educational Media Brand.
CK12 is committed to providing free access to open-source content and technology tools that empower students as well as teachers to enhance and experiment with different learning styles, resources, levels of competence, and circumstances. 

domingo, 12 de julio de 2015

New Horizons’ Long Trip to Pluto

After billions of miles and nearly a decade hurtling through space the probe New Horizons will finally pass Pluto and begin to give Earth the closest look at the furthest edges of the solar system.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Charla - "Enredados: TIC y Redes Sociales" (IES Parque de Monfragüe)

Enredados: TIC y Redes Sociales

Charla dirigida a padres y madres sobre los riesgos de las redes sociales y los ciberdelitos.
Lugar: IES Parque de Monfragüe (Plasencia)
Hora: 19:30

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Windmill in Cabo de Gata

I want to show a typical windmill used in the south of Spain. This mill uses the power of wind to grind cereal.

It is possible to identify the differents  parts os the mill: chapitel (spire), eje (shaft), rueda de viento y linterna (gears), velas (sails)

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015

Open Educational Resources / Recursos Educativos

Place for educational and learning purposes, primarily by the teaching community and students, but also for the general public. Everyone can search, view and download learning objects in different formats.
The Procomún Educational Space is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD) that is based on the Agrega Project, enriching it with new elements. It is specified in a web space that integrates learning objects and teaching experiences constituting an intelligent, social and distributed Web.
In the space Procomún Education is the repository of Open Educational Resources (OER) created by the MECD and the Autonomous Communities in the educational community can find and create structured instructional material, classified standardized form (LOM-ES) prepared for download and direct use by teachers and students.

Espacio Procomún Educativo

Espacio destinado a usos educativos y de aprendizaje, fundamentalmente por parte de la comunidad docente y el alumnado, pero también por el público en general. Todos podrán buscar, consultar y descargar objetos de aprendizaje en distintos formatos.
El Espacio Procomún Educativo es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD) que se sustenta sobre el Proyecto Agrega, enriqueciéndolo con nuevos elementos. Se concreta en un espacio web que Integra objetos de aprendizaje y experiencias docentes constituyendo una Red inteligente, social y distribuida.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

Creative teachers with Scratch

SCRATCH: Jon Bustillo taught us the basic of this software.
For two sessions we have improved our programming skills through this tool, Scratch. And the best at all itś sharing our experience with other collegues.

Scratch es un lenguaje de programación y una comunidad en línea donde los alumnos y los profesores pueden programar sus propias historias interactivas, juegos y animaciones y compartir sus creaciones con personas detodo el mundo. Cuando los alumnos crean con Scratch aprenden a pensar creativamente, trabajar colaborativa-mente,y razonar sistemáticamente.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Solar Impulse 2

In the footsteps of the great aeronautical firsts, Solar Impulse intends to achieve the First Round-The-World Solar Flight in 2015, after 12 years of research, tests and development. No fuel, but only solar energy and technologies of the future, to prove that pioneering spirit and innovation can really change the world.

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

FEED, RSS : Vincula Blogger, Twitter, Facebook......

Aquellos que están presentes en varias redes sociales desearán que sus entradas se publiquen en ellas a la vez sin necesidad de actualizarlas por independiente. Una herramienta que facilita esta tarea es
Las entradas de nuestro blog se verán a la vez en Twitter, Facebook y Linkedin de manera que nuestro público crecerá.

All the people who wants to publish in several networks like Facebook, Twitter at the same time, they can do it with this tool: It´s worthy.

Techno KnowHow en Twitter

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Profesor de dibujo online

La WEB y su canal en YouTube es un recurso en la red de gran ayuda. El canal está dedicado al dibujo técnico: geometría plana y sistemas de representación. Vídeos explicativos de los trazados, Conceptos teóricos y problemas.


domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

The Difference Between Projects And Project-Based Learning

Projects in the classroom are as old as the classroom itself.
“Projects” can represent a range of tasks that can be done at home or in the classroom, by parents or groups of students, quickly or over time.
While project-based learning (PBL) also features projects, in PBL the focus is more on the process of learning and learner-peer-content interaction that the end-product itself.
The learning process is also personalized in a progressive PBL environment by students asking important questions, and making changes to products and ideas based on individual and collective response to those questions. In PBL, the projects only serve as an infrastructure to allow users to play, experiment, use simulations, address authentic issues, and work with relevant peers and community members in pursuit of knowledge.
By design, PBL is learner-centered. Students don’t simply choose between two highly academic projects to complete by a given date, but instead use the teacher’s experience to design and iterate products and projects–products and projects that often address issues or challenges that are important to them.
The chart below by Amy Mayer is helpful to clarify that important difference between projects and project-based learning. Ultimately, the biggest difference is the process itself.

What’s the Difference Between “Doing Projects” and Project Based Learning ?Image attribution flickr user josekevo; The Difference Between Projects And Project-Based Learning; © Amy Mayer, @friEdTechnology, The Original WOW! Academy,
Please copy and use freely!

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

Free digital textbooks

106K free teacher-created digital textbooks hit the web

106K free teacher-created digital textbooks hit the web

The move to digital textbooks and resources is spreading as more companies partner with open education effortsMore than 100,000 teacher-created digital textbooks are now available online through the CK-12…

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

Welcome to the Free Music Archive

The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Radio has always offered the public free access to new music. The Free Music Archive is a continuation of that purpose, designed for the age of the internet.

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015


SculptGL is a web sculpting application, powered by WebGL and JavaScript.

SculptGL is a free 3D sculpting CAD (Computer Assisted Design) program created by Stephane Ginier, a University of Montréal exchange student. It lets users sculpt 3D designs, apply symmetry, import/export these files in 3D printable formats, and automatically share them on portfolio sites like Sketchfab.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Túnel de Pajares del S XIX al S XXI

Programa realizado con motivo del cale del tubo Oeste de los túneles de Pajares. En él se compara la construcción de la primera variante ferroviaria de Pajares, en el siglo XIX, con la actual variante en alta velocidad que se está construyendo. Se describen los métodos constructivos de ambas épocas y las medidas de seguridad y respeto al medio ambiente que se han abordado en el proyecto actual.