
miércoles, 1 de enero de 2025


  • Construir las figuras del TETRIS en papel (3D). Deben estar las cinco figuras básicas (como mínimo)
  • Construir una caja diseñada para guardar las piezas anteriormente construidas
  • Fotografiar el proceso de construcción de la caja y las figuras del TETRIS. (Estas fotos se usarán en un posterior trabajo)
  • Realizar en vuestro cuaderno la planta, alzado y perfil de las figuras del TETRIS (opcional)

  • .

    viernes, 5 de abril de 2024

    Ley de OHM- Recurso de apoyo

    martes, 26 de marzo de 2024

    Catalogación de recursos digitales

    Catalogación de ciertos recursos digitales
    Ver artículo en la Web IES Parque de Monfragüe

     Paso 1. EJEMPLO DE Sistema de Catalogación hecho con Google Sheets.
    Guía para la Gestión Ética y búsquedas en internet de forma eficiente, respetando las licencias de uso y catalogando los recursos encontrados en una plataforma de almacenamiento y organización. 
     a) Estrategias de Búsqueda en Internet:

     b) Respetar las Licencias de Uso
    c) Catalogación de Recursos:

    martes, 28 de febrero de 2023

    Solar Photovoltaic Technology Basics


    What is photovoltaic (PV) technology and how does it work? PV materials and devices convert sunlight into electrical energy. A single PV device is known as a cell. An individual PV cell is usually small, typically producing about 1 or 2 watts of power. These cells are made of different semiconductor materials and are often less than the thickness of four human hairs. In order to withstand the outdoors for many years, cells are sandwiched between protective materials in a combination of glass and/or plastics.

    To boost the power output of PV cells, they are connected together in chains to form larger units known as modules or panels. Modules can be used individually, or several can be connected to form arrays. One or more arrays is then connected to the electrical grid as part of a complete PV system. Because of this modular structure, PV systems can be built to meet almost any electric power need, small or large.

    PV modules and arrays are just one part of a PV system. Systems also include mounting structures that point panels toward the sun, along with the components that take the direct-current (DC) electricity produced by modules and convert it to the alternating-current (AC) electricity used to power all of the appliances in your home.

    The largest PV systems in the country are located in California and produce power for utilities to distribute to their customers. The Solar Star PV power station produces 579 megawatts of electricity, while the Topaz Solar Farm and Desert Sunlight Solar Farm each produce 550 megawatts.

    Fuente:Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy